VIDEOCHIOȘC: Prezentarea lucrărilor Facultății Noi Media II / Presentation of the New media II Department, 18.07.2013, ora 21:30

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prezentarea lucrărilor video ale studenților Facultății Noi media II
str. București 68/1, Chișinău
Joi, 18 iulie 2013, ora 21:30
‘intrare’ liberă

Prezentarea de joi constă într-o selecție de video performance-uri, înregistrări video ale unor evenimente și lucrări video realizate de studenții Facultății Noi Media II de la Academia de Artă din Praga, sub conducerea Annei Daučíková, în care, prin intermediul corpului, la nivel formal, ei încearcă să articuleze noțiuni ce țin de dominația ierarhică, existența unor stereotipuri pe bază de gen sau se află în căutarea frontierei între utilizarea/abuzul corpului propriuzis.

studenții: Petra Lelláková, Michaela Mildorfová, Barbora Šimonová, Vladimíra Večeřová, Miroslava Večeřová

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Vladimíra Večeřová and Petra Lelláková – Tu poți, 2012 – 2013
video, 11’11”

Michaela Mildorfová – Flori, 2013
video, 1′

Miroslava Večeřová – Rîul, 2013
video, 00’54”

Barbora Šimonová – Senatul, 2012
performance video, 5’43”

Petra Lelláková – Aș dori să trec într-un mod Elegant, 2012
video, 7’28”

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Presentation of the New media II. Department of Anna Daučíková at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague follows the phenomenon of students’ inclination to the formal output in video performance, videorecordings of events, or videos, in which the body becomes a means of articulating issues of hierarchical dominance, of gender stereotypes, or searching for the borders of using/abusing the body.

students: Petra Lelláková, Michaela Mildorfová, Barbora Šimonová, Vladimíra Večeřová, Miroslava Večeřová



Vladimíra Večeřová and Petra Lelláková – You Can, 2012 – 2013
video, 11’11”

Series actions You Can is directly connected with landscape and completes the picture of the camera time allowed. Authors concede, through the hacking into the personal limits of the other, that one of them may be an instrument, or part of an instrument serving to perform the action. The roles are changing, it is not clear in advance who will be the tool. The authors were sometimes find themselves at their limits and they use each other brutally, but it does not lack a sense of detachment and irony.

Michaela Mildorfová – Flowers, 2013
video, 1′

Video presents a few gestures with flowers, which were presentee friends of autor. They chose a place in her flat and method of destruction the flowers. Video is a reaction to traditional clichés and often empty gesture of apology through flowers. It is a reflection on the position of women in the eyes of men (in the context of the book “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir) and to what extent persist stereotypical ways of thinking about gender today.

Miroslava Večeřová – River, 2013
video, 00’54”

Miroslava Večeřová deals in her artwork with relationship between moving and still image and with the possibilities of pictorial representation and abstraction in time based media. Author creates a static image from the moving image through performative intervention by deformation or destruction. With the performative interventions into the image (photography) author symbolically raises questions about the relationship between human and his space.

Barbora Šimonová – Senate, 2012
video-performance, 5’43”

As a defense against the narrowness and radicalization of one way thinking is Barbora Šimonová performed opinions, which are converted continuously over time. This opinions representing the gestures that she cross in combinations to emptied them. Šimonová creates a picture of the phenomenon in the society, which she insert back into the public place through hers actions.

Petra Lelláková – I Wanted to Cross it in Fancy and Elegant Way, 2012
video, 7’28”

In the video “I Wanted to Cross it in Fancy and Elegant Way” passes Petra Lellárková through photogenic natural scenery, in which overcomes the “put up” obstacles. She uses the conventional idea about female attractiveness and vulnerability when her outfit with almost fetishistic detail (woman’s pump), movements accentuate femininity and arouse protectionist reflex. She progresses in a sort of vague destination, she does not stop, she does not turn back and does not change walking speed. This all is accompanied by a coquettish touch.

This event is part of K.A.I.R./KIOSK artist in residency program organized in the frame of the EU project SPACES. The SPACES project is financed by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. This residency is in cooperation with Kosice 2013 – European Capital of Culture ( and further supported by the Slovak Ministry of Culture (

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