Michal Moravčík / Jana Kapelová / Public Pedestal – prezentare publică în Chișinău, 11 iulie 2013, ora 18:00

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Michal Moravčík / Jana Kapelová / Pedestalul Public
prezentare publică: 11 iulie 2013, ora 18:00
locaţie: Casa Zemstvei Guberniale
str. Șciusev 103, Chișinău

Vă invităm să luați parte la prezentarea oferită de Michal Moravčík și Jana Kapelová, care ne vor vorbi despre practicile lor artistice individuale și ne vor prezenta lucrările lor realizate în spațiul public. Într-un sens mai larg ei vor face referință la scena culturală și instituțiile ce există la moment în Slovacia. În a doua parte a prezentării artiștii se vor axa pe activitatea colectivului Pedestalul Public și vor prezenta proiectele realizate de acesta în Bratislava ce oferă răspunsuri critice procesului de înfrumusețare a spațiului public drept tendință de ordin general, ce adresează întrebări privind trecutul socialist recent și propun metode alternative de utilizare a spațiului public.

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Proiectul SPACES (Zone Publice Durabile pentru Cultură în Țările din Est) adună la un loc artiști și lucrători din domeniul culturii din patru țări ale Parteneriatului Estic, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina, care se preocupă de reprezentarea unor subiecte sociale specifice pentru spațiile publice din orașele lor. Proiectul mai are drept scop fortificarea scenei independente de artă și cultură din aceste țări.

CHIOȘC – program de rezidență pentru artiști
Programul de rezidență pentru artiști CHIOȘC încurajează crearea unor lucrări noi, produse în raport cu contextul și realitățile locale. El oferă posibilitatea de a explora diferite probleme ce se referă la situația Moldovei în general și de a analiza procesele care modelează astăzi spațiul public al Chișinăului.


K.A.I.R. Program de Rezidență pentru Artiști în Kosice
K.A.I.R. este un program de rezidență organizat de Kosice 2013 – Capitala Culturală Europeană prin intermediul căruia artiști din diferite țări pot petrece pînă la 3 luni lucrînd și locuind în Kosice, iar artiștii din Slovacia de est pot călători în alte țări.


Rezidența lui Michal Moravčík și Janei Kapelová este organizată în parteneriat cu Kosice 2013 – Capitală Culturală Europeană (http://www.kosice2013.sk/) și beneficiază de suportul Ministerului Culturii al Slovaciei (http://www.culture.gov.sk/).

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Michal Moravčík / Jana Kapelová / Public Pedestal
public presentation:
July 9, 2013, 18:00
location: Casa Zemstvei Guberniale
str. Șciusev 103, Chisinau

You are welcome to attend the presentation of Michal Moravčík and Jana Kapelová who will speak about their individual artistic practices and will also make reference to their works in public space in Slovakia and, in a broader sense, to the existing cultural institutional landscape. The second part of the presentation will focus on the activity of the Public Pedestal collective and its projects presented in Bratislava that are dealing with such issues like beautification of public spaces as a general trend, questioning the recent socialist past and the alternative use of public spaces today.

free entry

Michal Moravčík

Michal Moravčík (born 1974) studied at the Department of sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (1992-1998), where later he continued with doctoral studies (Art.D 2010). In 2004 he won Oskár Čepan Award for Young Visual Artists. In his work he creates interventions, objects and environments that deal with political and socio-critical topics, collective memory and its contemporary interpretation. He often processes and recycles socialistic aesthetics, dealing with its role in a changed social context. He participated at numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. In 2010 he co-founded an association Public Pedestal (http://verejnypodstavec.com/news_en.html) which focuses on alternative solutions in the field of art in public space and the initiative Twenty Years After the Velvet Revolution Did Not Happen which focuses on the several neuralgic points of Slovak art scene (https://sites.google.com/site/dvadsatrokovodneznej/home/english).

Since 1998 he is a Head of Sculpture studio at the Fine Arts Department of Pedagogical Faculty, University of Trnava, in 2005-7 he was a Head of Drawing studio at Department of Architecture at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. From 2012, he is the Assistant at the Studio Environment, Faculty of Fine Arts, BUT in Brno.


Jana Kapelová

Jana Kapelová (born 1982) is an artist, cultural activist and journalist. She studied at the Department of Intermedia at the Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica (2006) and doctoral studies at the Department of Intermedia and multimedia at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Art.D 2013).
She works mainly with video, performance and participative art. In her artwork she deals with labor issues, working and free time – with the quality and effectiveness of the spent time and self-realization – in one way and in the other way she critically focuses on the problems connected to culture policy in Slovakia as in the last big project called Kunsthalle – A Global Report on the State of the Institution.
Since 2010 she is a Head of the slovak section of the internet art-television (http://artycok.tv/) and the initiative Twenty Years After the Velvet Revolution Did Not Happen which focuses on the several neuralgic points of Slovak art scene (https://sites.google.com/site/dvadsatrokovodneznej/home/english).
Since 2011 she is an assistent in Department of New media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.


Public Pedestal

Public Pedestal is a Slovak public-art project of four artists (Dalibor Bača, Martin Piaček, Tomáš Džadoň, Michal Moravčík) following up an initiative What statue for the city? (2006), petition Stop “cultural policy” in our cities! (2006) and protests named Antikulich (2010) and Antikulich II (This is not a Svätopluk, this is (just) a bad sculpture! (2010).

These activities were supposed to express a critical opinion of a young generation of artists, theoreticians and art consumers towards overloading of the spaces of the Slovak cities with the production of tourist kitsch pretending an artistic value.


SPACES (Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries) project assembles artists and cultural workers in four Eastern partner countries, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, who aim at reflecting societal issues in the public realm of their city. It also aims at strengthening the independent art and culture scene.

KIOSK AIR program
KIOSK artist in residency program encourages creation of new work in relation to the local context and reality. It offers the opportunity to explore various issues that relate to Moldova’s situation in general and to analyze the processes that shape Chisinau’s public space today.


K.A.I.R. Kosice Artist in Residence
K.A.I.R. is a residency programme in the frame of Kosice 2013 – European Capital of Culture to invite international artists to work and live for three month in Kosice as well as to send Eastern Slovak artists to international residencies.


This event is part of K.A.I.R./KIOSK artist in residency program organized in the frame of the EU project SPACES. The SPACES project is financed by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. This residency is in cooperation with Kosice 2013 – European Capital of Culture (http://www.kosice2013.sk/) and further supported by the Slovak Ministry of Culture (http://www.culture.gov.sk/).

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