“Шинель (Mantaua/The overcoat)” de/by Grigori KOZINTSEV [URSS], 1926 – proiecție
Program de proiectii de film mut in aer liber / open air silent film screening program
selectie de Ghenadie POPESCU
19 august 2011, ora 21:00
str. Bucuresti 68/1, Chisinau
“Шинель” (Mantaua / The overcoat)”
1926, 63 min.
titre: rusa
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Mantaua este un film realizat in perioada sovietica de regizorii Grigori KUZENTSEV si Leonid TRAUBERG pornind de la romanele “Bulevardul Neva” si “Mantaua” scrise de Nikolai GOGOL.
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The Overcoat (Russian: Шинель) is a 1926 Soviet film directed by Grigori Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg, based on Nikolai Gogol stories “Nevsky Prospekt” and “The Overcoat” (source: wikipedia).
29 iulie 2011, ora 21:00
“KORKARLEN” (Căruța Fantomă / The Phantom Carriage) de Victor SJOSTROM [SE]
1921, 106 min. | titre: suedeza / Swedish
5 august 2011, ora 21:00
“Broken Blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl” de D. W. Griffith [US]
1919, 90 min. | titre: engleza
12 august 2011, ora 21:00
“Three Ages” (Cele trei epoci) de Buster KEATON [US]
1923, 110 min. | titre: engleza / sonorizare: rusa
19 august 2011, ora 21:00
“Шинель” (Mantaua / The overcoat) de Grigori KOZINTSEV [URSS]
1926, 63 min. | titre: rusa
26 august 2011, ora 21:00
“La Chutte de la Maison Usher” (The Fall of the House of Usher) de Jean EPSTEIN [FR]
1928, 66 min. | titre: franceza / sonorizare: engleza
2 septembrie 2011, ora 21:00
“Человек с киноаппаратом” (Omul cu camera de filmat / Man with a Movie Camera) de Dziga VERTOV [URSS]
1929, 68 min.
Programul ar putea fi modificat pe parcurs. Pentru detalii consultati pagina web: http://chiosc.oberliht.org
The program could be changed in the future. For details visit this web page: http://chiosc.oberliht.org