Dincolo de liniile roșii – expoziție / Beyond the red lines – exhibition, Studio / FKSE, 18 februarie 2015, ora 19:00
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Dincolo de liniile roșii
18 februarie, ora 19:00
18 februarie – 6 martie, 2015
Studio / FKSE
str. Rottenbiller 35, Budapesta
Luînd ca punct de plecare proiectul pentru Bulevardul Cantemir (în trecut Bulevardul Cosmonauților) care a fost proiectat in anii 70 ai secolului trecut în baza master-plan-ului propus de bine-cunoscutul arhitect sovietic Alexei Șciusev dupa cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial, expoziția prezintă lucrările cîtorva artiști din Cehia, Moldova, România, Slovacia, Suedia și Ungaria (participanți la programul de rezidență pentru artiști CHIOȘC), care au petrecut cîteva săptămîni lucrînd în contextul Chișinăului marcat de procese de transformare continuă.
curator: Vladimir US [MD]
participanți: Valeria BARBAS [MD], Angela CANDU [MD], Gruppo Tökmag (András TABORI & Tamás BUDHA) [HU], Karl HALLBERG [SE], Marie LUKAČOVA și Jakub ROČEK [CZ], studioBASAR (Alex AXINTE, Cristi BORCAN, Tudor ELIAN, Maria OANCEA, Daniela PALIMARIU Andrei PRIPASU, Cristian STOIAN Ana-Maria TONI, Alexandra ȚĂRANU) [RO], Public Pedestal (Jana KAPELOVA și Michal MORAVĆIK) [SK]
19 februarie 2015, ora 19:00
Vladimir Us – prezentare și proiecție
Academia Maghiară de Arte Frumoase, Departamentul Intermedia
str. Kmety Gy. 27, Budapesta
Centrul Civic al Chișinăului – dincolo de liniile roșii
imagine de Ina IVANCEANU [AT] și Vahe BUDUMYAN [AM]
editor: Gaëlle MEGE [FR]
2013-2014 / 55′
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Beyond the red lines
Febrary 18, 7 pm
February 18 – March 6, 2015
Studio / FKSE
Rottenbiller u. 35, Budapest
Taking as a starting point the project for Cantemir Boulevard (in the past the Cosmonauts’ Boulevard) that was designed in the 70s of the last century and was based on the master plan proposed by the well-known Soviet architect Alexei Shchiusev after the Second World War, the exhibition presents the works of several artists from Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden (participants in the KIOSK artist in residency program) who spent few weeks working in the context of Chisinau marked by continuous transformation processes.
After WWII the city got ruined to a great extend, which fact determined the authorities to redesign some of its central parts, particularly the “lower” town that still preserves a network of irregular streets and several buildings that are considered to be monuments of architecture and history, among them few churches dating from 18th century as the oldest ones. In a perspective of few decades the people living in that area had to be expropriated and a socialist type of city had to be built there. Starting with 50s, according to this plan, the Youth Boulevard was built in place where the old market used to be, thus cutting the old town in two parts and a significant number of blocks of flats were erected in the central part of the city. Cantemir Boulevard was supposed to develop further this plan so that in 1972 its first segment connecting Gagarin Boulevard and Cosmos hotel with Ismail Street was built. The main argument for its construction invoked by the authorities was the need to fluidize the car traffic through the city center.
Due to certain economic difficulties encountered during Perestroika period and following the dissolution of the Soviet Union the Cantemir Boulevard was never finalized, though it has been included in the new General Urban Plan adopted in 2007 under the democratic leadership.
The consequences that the construction of Cantemir Boulevard might have on the life of Chisinau inhabitants, once it would be built, determined the artistic and architecture community in Chisinau supported by sociologists and other professionals to raise publicly this issue and to look for an alternative.
curator: Vladimir US [MD]
participants: Valeria BARBAS [MD], Angela CANDU [MD], Gruppo Tökmag (András TABORI & Tamás BUDHA) [HU], Karl HALLBERG [SE], Marie LUKAČOVA and Jakub ROČEK [CZ], studioBASAR (Alex AXINTE, Cristi BORCAN, Tudor ELIAN, Maria OANCEA, Daniela PALIMARIU Andrei PRIPASU, Cristian STOIAN Ana-Maria TONI, Alexandra ȚĂRANU) [RO], Public Pedestal (Jana KAPELOVA and Michal MORAVĆIK) [SK]
February 19, 2015, 6 pm
Vladimir Us – presentation and screening
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Intermedia Department
Kmety Gy. str. nr. 27, Budapest
Chisinau Civic Center – beyond the red lines
image by Ina IVANCEANU [AT] and Vahe BUDUMYAN [AM]
edited by Gaëlle MEGE [FR]
2013-2014 / 55′
One of the issues raised by the artistic and architecture community in Chisinau is the construction of Cantemir Boulevard. Designed in 70s by Soviet architects, it was just partially built. However this boulevard is still present on the official Chisinau General Urban Plan even if its longest part was not yet constructed, two decades after Republic of Moldova proclaimed its independence from Soviet Union and its consequent dissolution. Taking this as a starting point, as a leading thread, a group of artists, architects and researchers were invited to Chisinau to participate in a residency program and in a conference, and contribute to a publication – to work on this issue and to share similar experiences that could enrich the understanding of this particular situation and reveal new forms of criticism and protest. The result of this collaboration turned into a series of participatory art works involving Chisinau inhabitants and opening new public spaces for culture and civic engagement in the areas where Cantemir Boulevard was planned to be built.
The film Beyond the red lines documents these collaborations and interactions that took place in 2013 in the frame of Chisinau Civic Center – beyond the red lines project (curated by Vladimir US).
This film was produced in the frame of Chisinau Civic Center – people’s park program: http://chisineu.wordpress.com/proiecte/ccc-parc-comunitate/